A warm welcome to Bedford Borough Council Adoption Service!

We are delighted to welcome Bedford Borough Council Adoption Service to CATCH – the Children And Trauma Community Hub! Bedford’s commitment to finding secure and loving homes for children in need of permanence through adoption is truly inspiring.

Bedford Borough Council Adoption Service provides comprehensive support to adoptive families throughout their journey, ensuring that both children and their new parents receive the guidance and assistance they need to thrive. This aligns perfectly with CATCH’s mission to connect and empower organisations and individuals dedicated to improving the lives of children affected by trauma.

We are eager to work with Bedford Borough Council Adoption Services and support their invaluable work in building strong and nurturing families within the Bedford Borough community.


Support for adoptive families

CATCH is the latest source of support Bedford Borough Council Adoption Service offers its families along with:

  • Meet-ups with other adopters and adoptive families
  • Groups and workshops to help explain adoption to children
  • Support with contact arrangements
  • Discussion and support on any aspect of adoption
  • An assessment of adoption support needs at any time until a child reaches the age of 18 (or 25 if they have special educational needs or a disability)

Ray Vernon, Digital Partnership Executive at Parents And Children Together (PACT), which created and manages CATCH said: “We look forward to working with Bedford Borough Council Adoption Service team. Their goals of providing support to adoptive families aligns with our own.

“It was obvious from the first conversation that they were passionate about adoption and wanted the best support for adopters and their families.”

Bedford Council logo

To learn more about Bedford Borough Council’s adoption services please visit their website at Adoption – Overview | Bedford Borough Council or phone 01234 718718.

To find out how CATCH can complement and strengthen your adopter training and post-adoption support, contact Ray Vernon for more information.